Versions 1.10 of MyHome&me and 1.18 of MySmartEMS&me have just been deployed to all our customers. This is a major upgrade for these two monitoring applications which brings much needed performance improvements, especially for energy balances.
Indeed, private individuals equipped with an AEA cabinet can now consult a periodic energy balance for the day, month or year with MyHome&me. This includes the self-consumption rate and the coverage rate, but also the total photovoltaic production, the global consumption, the network extraction or the total quantity of stored/unstored energy.

The same applies to our business customers equipped with a SmartEMS or AEH cabinet, who have access to a detailed energy balance of their infrastructure through the MySmartEMS&me interface. This includes data similar to MyHome&me, but also the distribution of electrical consumption measured on the site (such as air-conditioning, electric vehicle charging stations, servers) as well as a comparison with the theoretical solar production.

With their new version, both applications offer their users significantly improved performance to display monthly and annual energy balances in less than 2 seconds.