Following the official announcement on 10 May 2021, 36 new projects have been selected as part of the (Re)localising section of the France Recovery Plan. Among these winning projects, 13 of them, including Sirea, are part of the “Electronics” sector, one of the 5 strategic sectors defined by the recovery plan.
The objective of the financial support granted by France Relance is to reinforce national industrial sovereignty through SMEs/SMIs carrying innovative and strategic projects. This is why Sirea’s “AMI_S” project has been selected.
To officially inaugurate this new facility, we had the pleasure of welcoming several local and regional actors, including the sub-prefect Mr François PROISY, the deputy of the Tarn ((France) Jean TERLIER, as well as Claude LE GLOAHEC of the CCI of the Tarn representing Michel BOSSI, director of the CCI of the Tarn, to Sirea on Friday 21 May.

The objective of the AMI_S project is to develop a new product: a technical energy conversion brick dedicated to renewable energies that will make it possible to condition any format of electrical energy and convert it into storable energy.
This product has multiple applications: it will act as a regenerative power converter to restore dissipated or lost energy, but also as a power converter between energy sources of different nature and voltage. It will also improve the power factor and the quality of the electrical energy delivered.
This electric power converter can be used in the fields of energy efficiency, energy saving, power supply to isolated sites, self-consumption, smart-grids and for all types of installations and equipment requiring adaptations and voltage control of energy sources mixing different levels and nature of voltage and current.
Bruno Bouteille, director of Sirea
A use case illustration: When you stop a large fan, its high inertia will keep its rotary movement off the power supply for a few minutes, until it stops completely. With our inverter, the energy generated by the motor during its slowing down phase can be recovered and used again. The motor thus becomes a generator throughout its deceleration phase.
This project will involve the recruitment of about ten employees throughout the programme!